What is Linux ?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

You may have heard of Linux, and ask yourself: "What is Linux" Now Linux is an open source operating system that may be a modified clone of the UNIX operating system program, first in the. sixties to the eighties were the computer systems of large, heavy things, which is based only on the code had to get help. A normal user will not be able to use a computer, if it was not very aware of the various encryption techniques and generally have access to the resources of a large corporation, the federal government or well-funded universities. The nerds, geeks, and came with a desire to make more rapid, easier and even more powerful systems will not be limited to the central computer services principal. Bill Gates did with MS-DOS, then the graphical user interface that was implemented with the release of Windows during the programming wizards came up with a modified and improved version of the model called UNIX - Linux!
Today the old Linux Linux has changed. You no longer have to really sound knowledge of programming code or key work in a Linux process. But above all, because people have learned to the GUI program for Windows, Linux for a long time to love, was not generally used by the largest mass of home users. But to cheer for the developers, professional developers and buyers of mobile Linux server page for the best system available for delivery. Linux has strong security measures and major tasks for the server and hosting solutions. Moreover, for most consumers of this operating system has some open questions to be incompatible with a variety of computer programs, which seems to be the most basic public services in Windows and games.
If you are new to this operating system, we recommend that you just signed for a round table on Linux. These forums can help you be aware of the best techniques for working first-hand experience of a person. For beginners, community forums could help compatibility issues with Linux software, controls and codes, and many others. For the customers well informed, is a forum for Linux, a system of sharing information and helping newcomers feel comfortable with the operating system, especially if they have been avid user of Windows. It is really hard to get to a consumer to convert to Linux in his daily life is spent with Windows. They need support and guidance, available in the forums.
Panel offers a Linux platform on which exactly answers consultations on a wide range of Linux and discussed. You will discover the various types of Linux in these forums, such as the Arch, CentOS, Debian Linux, and so on. These forums can also be a good opportunity for developers, the programs and systems that are appropriate when you need to create the Linux system to be. Remember that you can use any Linux software on Windows, but they can not use the Windows software on Linux is.
The discussion forums are also extensive experience with Linux tutorials Linux is possible that information to use the method. You can have several alternative Linux-compatible hardware / software that are almost all Linux users.
For those who have never published an evaluation of Linux, you may find that the board of Linux. Through online forums, in fact, rely on the user's space for opinions and suggestions of experts, it is sometimes be distorted. In this situation, they are encouraged, on a Linux or other professional who knows the science of the PC to speak very well. However, it is often possible to find the best information from users of the forum so you can really get to answer the same question: "What is Linux?"